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This was the from the Christmas ToucanBox. How cute are these polar bear ears and mittens! You sew the mittens which was a good lesson. Our kit also came with a wreath that you put together.
1. Buy souvenirs and glow sticks before your trip to bring along. I went to the dollar store and bought Disney gifts as well as glow sticks. Each morning I would surprise my kids with Disney gifts before we went to the park.
2. Bring your own ponchos. It is cheaper to buy before hand than at the parks
3. Bring your own snacks and refillable water bottles. You can get free iced water at any quick service restaurants. We ate all meals at quick service restaurants. Meals at quick service are under $14.99 per each meal. The first day I brought the kids PB&Js to eat and planned on only adults buying a meal. However my kids wanted our food so we all just bought meals from then on. My kids would split a kids meal and it was plenty for both of them. Most kids meals are around $7.